2017年的獎學金和SEAL program考試早在上個學期就已經塵埃落定,Excel With-us照例取得了很好的成績:4人獲得Balwyn High SEAL Program的offer; 1人獲得Doncaster Eat Secondary SEAL Program的offer; 另有5人分別獲得Camberwell Grammar School, Ruyton Girls School, Fintona Girls School, Trinity Grammar School 以及Genazzano College的獎學金。
由於我們在獎學金準備過程中,除了每周不斷「刷題」以外,還特別注重基礎知識的學習,把六、七年級的知識點,逐個梳理,不留空隙,所以,對於錯過獎學金和SEAL Program offer的孩子們來說,他們的基礎更紮實了,在學校里的學習更加自信了。
以上兩點,也是我們Excel Withus在這個學期,以及一月份的holiday program中將要進行的內容,如果有需要的家長,請毫不猶豫地聯繫我們,不要錯過最後衝刺的時間。
Question 1
If a bag of lollies was divided evenly among 4 kids, and there was 3 left over, the total number of lollies is:
Question 2
In a class of 25 students, 12% wears glasses. Amongst those who wear glasses, 1/3 has braces. How many students have braces in the class?
Question 3
Evaluate the following
Question 4
John is 4 times as old as Brendan. In 4 years』 time, John will be 2 times as old as Brendan. What is the sum of their ages in 4 years』 time?
Question 5
Fill in the box with the correct sign
13 + 4 × 2 23 + 11
Question 6
When an even number is added to an odd number, then multiplied by 2, then squared, what must be the result?
Question 7
A triangle』s inside angles must add up to 180 degrees and a quadrilateral』s inside angles must add up to 360 degrees. Given this information, find the angle x in the shape below.
Question 8
If John rolled a dice and got 3 or below 5 times in a row, what are the chances he rolls 4 or above in his next roll?
Question 9
Which fraction is closest to ½
Question 10
The class was told that each student must read of a 496-page book before the first day of term. How many pages must each student read?
Excelwithus 補習學校校長Ansha寄語:
在這些年裡,我們在不斷地觀察著孩子的個性,對補習的投入程度,還有孩子與家長、補習班老師之間的互動,從這些觀察和發現中,我們一直都在思考著,到底課外補習的意義是什麼?孩子的人生那麼漫長,意識的領先、落後是真的那麼重要嗎?就算取得了私校的獎學金,取得了VCE的高分,就能定義家庭教育和學校教育的成功了嗎?關於這些問題的思考,我將一一與讀者們分享,同時,如果大家有希望看到的話題,也歡迎發送到excelwithus@hotmail.com, 我一定會形成一篇文章在這裡與大家分享我的看法。 |
供稿: Excel Withus Education
Level1, 1140 Burke Road, Balwyn North VIC 3104
(03) 9859 0025
推薦閱讀: Ansha專欄