What do you want to be when you grow up?
When Orpah Winfrey was a toddler in Mississippi, did she know she was going to grow up to be 「Oprah, Queen of All Media」? Or was it something she figured out later? Today』s young people are expected to start making decisions about their life purpose at about the same time as choosing a retainer color. But while there are some exceptions, Chris』s research shows most people who win the career lottery do so by following a long and winding road that includes scenic turnouts, breakdown lanes, detours, and speed traps.
At 6 years old, Chris aspired to a career in fast food with an ultimate goal of working at Burger King, his favorite restaurant at the time. Instead, he grew up, traveled the world, and became a successful entrepreneur and author. So, yes—sometimes, it』s okay for a dream to die.
The conditions of work
When people think about their dream jobs or ideal work, they almost always think exclusively about a profession or vocation—the nature of the work. But per Chris, theway we work is just as important as the work itself. Working conditions include things such as how you prefer to spend your time, how much you like to work collaboratively versus independently, and how you like to be rewarded. Most people rarely think about the day-to-day ways in which they』ll be spending their time when they pick a career path. They just consider the overarching big picture or the difference they seek to make. But it』s really hard to keep the big picture in focus if you』re hating the moment-to-moment! We need to work in environments that challenge us (because challenge is good), but we also need to create space that allows us to thrive.
Do the side hustle
A 「side hustle」 is an additional income source that is separate from your paycheck. It』s not a part-time job as much as it』s something you create, and it』s disproportionately satisfying. Chris strongly recommends side hustles—they help you build confidence and security, especially if you』ve always been an employee and have never worked for yourself. Even a small amount of extra money feels great because you made it happen.
And even if you love your job and find your work to be fulfilling, you can still benefit from a side hustle, which will allow you to embrace your inner entrepreneur. If you love your work AND you have something else that produces income, you have the satisfaction of going to your job because you want to, not because you have to. Who wouldn』t want that scenario?
Winners never quit, except when they do
「Winners never quit」 is classic advice that also turns out to be terrible advice. There』s a huge difference between giving up and letting go, so if you』re doing something that isn』t working, you should stop. Successful people don』t necessarily flit from idea to idea without any evaluation or learning process, but they also aren』t afraid to walk away from a non-winning situation. In other words, the saying 「Try, try again」 should be modified to add 「…but not in the same way.」 That』s when you』re more likely to be successful.
Joy, money, flow: The key ingredients for a dream career
First, let』s define some terms. Joy comes from doing what you love; money is the result of a career that is sustainable and viable; and flow is the ability to use your unique skills to do work that makes you come alive. Flow is the most abstract of these concepts. To put it in other words, flow allows you to become so totally absorbed in your work that you forget the passage of time. The goal is to find the intersection of all three.
While each component is critical, flow tends to get less respect than it deserves. Flow is deeper than enjoyment or one』s ability to pay the bills (as important as these are). The immersive quality of flow results in the kind of deep satisfaction and feeling of ownership that produces the best work out there.
Living in that sweet spot requires constant monitoring, evaluating, and improving. The more you orient yourself around these three qualities, the more fulfilled you』ll be. Anything else involves a compromise of one form or another.
This post was last modified on 2016年12月13日 19:08
位於澳大利亞新州Berowra Waters的Berowra Waters Inn,以其與世隔絕的地理位置和令人嘆為觀止的水景,成為了悉尼最獨特且令人神往的高端餐飲聖地之一。這家餐廳不僅因其優雅的氛圍和美輪美奐的景色而聞名,更因其創新而精緻的菜肴贏得了無數食客的青睞。從只可通過船隻或水上飛機到達的特殊地理位置,到每一道菜品的精心雕琢,這裡的一切都充滿了與眾不同的魅力。作為一種享受美食與美景並存的方式,Berowra Waters Inn無疑是一場視覺與味覺的雙重盛宴。 如果說有哪種用餐體驗能夠完美地結合美景與美食,那無疑是Berowra Waters Inn。從市區出發到餐廳附近的碼頭,再乘坐私人船隻航行,五分鐘的航程便足以讓你暫時遠離都市的喧囂,融入那片寧靜的叢林與水域之中。船隻接送是免費的,這種便捷的水上交通方式也讓這家餐廳增添了幾分神秘感和隱秘感。站在船頭,環顧四周,綠色的植被與碧藍的水面交織在一起,眼前的風景美得令人屏息。餐廳坐落在一座簡潔的沙岩建築內,玻璃百葉窗讓每一位食客都能享受無障礙的水景。餐廳的設計極為簡約而不失奢華,潔白的內飾、寬大的皮質餐桌以及溫馨的燈光,使得每一位前來用餐的客人都能感受到無比的舒適與尊貴。 Berowra Waters Inn。(圖:提供) Berowra Waters… Read More
在悉尼的Qudos Bank Arena,一場充滿懷舊情感和音樂激情的演唱會拉開了帷幕。Take That,這支英國傳奇組合,用他們超過30年的經典金曲和熱忱的舞台表現,再次點燃了現場觀眾的心。這不僅是一場音樂會,更是一場關於青春、回憶和情感的集體狂歡。 Take That。(圖:Andy Kershaw) 自1990年成軍以來,Take That迅速成為了90年代男孩樂隊的巔峰代表。無論是動人的和聲、充滿感染力的舞蹈,還是他們永遠年輕的笑容,這一切都為他們贏得了無數粉絲。如今,儘管團隊從最初的五人縮減為Gary Barlow、Mark Owen和Howard Donald三人,但他們的藝術生命力依然旺盛。 本場演唱會的設計更趨向於親密與真實。舞檯布置摒棄了以往的奢華與雜技式的舞美表演,轉而聚焦於三位歌手本身。這種簡約而深情的演繹形式,讓觀眾得以專註於音樂和歌聲本身,感受到歲月賦予他們的深沉與韻味。 Take That。(圖:Andy… Read More
位於墨爾本西部的Coles全新 24 小時顧客履行中心有 700 台機器人、人工智慧(AI)和 1000 名員工,比一般超市更忙碌、科技含量更高,只需五分鐘就能完成一份 50 件的超市訂單。 在 COVID 疫情加速數位銷售後,Coles 耗資 4 億澳元在墨爾本和悉尼建立自動化顧客履行中心。在… Read More
周一(11月18日),警方在布里斯本中央商業區的巴士站逮捕一名手持30公分獵刀的男子。 當日下午2點30分左右,警方接到報案稱有一名持械男子在Roma St車站。 在警方公布的錄影中,一名警官說:「放下刀,馬上放下刀!」「放下,馬上放下,把刀放下,放在地上!」 警方表示,該男子從腰帶中取出連鞘 30 公分獵刀,並依照警官的命令將刀丟在地上。 警方在一份聲明中說:「該男子未對任何公眾或警方做出任何威脅。」 警方已控告這名 18 歲男子在公共場所持有刀具,他於 11 月 20 日在布里斯本裁判法院(Brisbane… Read More
澳洲一位頂尖醫療經濟學家表示,濫收病人費用的醫生應該在公共名冊上被點名羞辱,針對莫寧頓半島(Mornington Peninsula)涉嫌濫收病人費用的醫生的集體訴訟也可能將遞交。 近日,病人受促檢查聯邦醫療保險記錄,以確保沒有被醫生錯誤收費。 維州莫寧頓半島(Mornington Peninsula)數十名麻醉師和外科醫師被指控蓄意詐騙、收取雙倍費用和私吞帳外費用。 據《時代報》報導,控訴書指控一群醫生為自己的財務利益而向病人收取高達 5000澳元的自付費用,將其偽裝成預約費或行政費,同時,這些專科醫師發布了參與醫療保險公司的無間隙費用計劃。 Margaret Faux 博士認為,如果指控成立,或許可以透過集體訴訟幫助消費者。 她說:「我們實際上需要儘快讓這件事呈現在法官面前。」「這封舉報信是一份大禮,因為它給檢察官所需的一切,讓他們可以快速、輕鬆地獲得事情的真相。」 Faux表示,值得關注的是,有指控稱醫生在沒有提供服務的情況下收取費用,這是違法的。 她說,舉例而言,收取超過 1000 澳元的麻醉行政費用,卻沒有任何解釋,這可能會被視為「可疑」,因為法律規定消費者必須使用… Read More
12 年級的學生正在迴避教育學位,有大量已開始攻讀教育學位的學生退學,使畢業生人數減少數千人。教師表示,高工作負荷以及學生、家長的不良行為正將他們趕出這個行業。 新數據顯示,自2020年以來,開始攻讀教育學位的學生人數和比率持續下降。2023年,只有11099名新州學生開始攻讀教育學位,佔大學新生的10.46%。而 2020 年則有 15,022 名學生,佔大學新生的 12.54%。 過去 10 年來,在四年內完成本科教育學位的學生人數也大幅下降。 據《悉尼晨鋒報》報導,在 2020 年開始攻讀學位的澳洲本科生中,有 29%… Read More