(澳洲生活網訊)現代生活中,工作和生活 之間總有一個平衡點,很多時候,來自各方面的壓力讓我們不得不過多的顧及了工作而忽略了生活。如何讓生活和工作這個蹺蹺板平衡呢?面對工作和家庭,你將如 何做出選擇?今天通過3種強而有力的方法,幫助你合理處理工作與生活的平衡問題,減輕壓力,最大程度地實現人生目標。
There is always a balance between work and life.Many times, we have no time to pay attention to our life because our job asks the most from various external pressures. How can we balance work and family? How can we make a choice in face of work and family? This article summarizes three powerful methods to help you handle the balance between work and lifeproperly, reduce stress and realize the objective to the max.
1) 選擇合適的工作,制定好自己的人生目標。在人生的每個發展的不同階段都有著不一樣的追求和目標,從大局的角度出發,合理規劃自己的人生就顯尤為重要了。通過有系統的思考提前為自己設定好奮鬥目標,然後堅定自己的原則,集中精力為一件事情而努力。
例 如:Lizzy畢業後給自己設定的目標是三十歲做到行政總監的位置。這對於在育齡階段的Lizzy來說是比較艱難的選擇,她決定與老公商量暫緩生孩子計 劃,先把主要的精力投入到工作當中,她用業餘的時間讀了EMBA,兩年後Lizzy順利畢業的同時也完成了自己的人生目標–作為人事總監參加公司年會。
Firstly, choose the right job and make a good goal in your life. There are different pursuits and goals in different stages of life, and it is particularly important to look at the whole situation and arrange your life reasonably. You should map out your objective in advance through systematic and analytical thinking, and then stick to your principles and concentrate on one thing.
For example, Lizzy made a goal to become Director of Administration when she became thirty years old. It was more difficult for her because she also wanted to have a baby and decided with her husband to hold off on having a child and put much of her energy on work. In her spare time, she prepared for and enrolled in the EMBA. Two years later, she graduated and completed her life objective-attending the company』s annual meeting as an HR director.
2) 學會有規律有效率地生活,工作之餘合理安排時間,從而減少工作壓力。儘可能多地從你的工作中賺取可供自己自由支配的時間,以期獲得更大的工作彈性。如果你 在工作過程中足夠投人,有足夠強的時間觀念,你就會擁有更高的工作效率,在你完成這項工作後,你會贏得一個從此任務轉換到彼任務的過渡時間,這就是從自己 的工作中賺取的時間。
Secondly, learn to live modestly, efficiently and give yourself time after work to reduce stress. In order to excel as much as possible to gain work flexibility, allow yourself free time. If you are dedicated enough to work and have a strong sense of punctuality, you will work more efficiently. After getting the work done, you will gain the free time between tasks and this is time you gained form the work.
For instance, Cindy is a director of project development in a science and technology company. Although she is very busy, she could always give herself a reward after completing a major project. That is to say she uses the time she earned in work to enjoy her holiday or take her family traveling around. After this mental recharge, she will go back to work as her best self.
3) 認清自己的能力,給自己安排合理的工作量,然後空出時間陪伴家人或享受個人生活。不要太過於追求完美或急於求成。人一天的時間是有限的,不要太過於追求完美或急於求成,在一個工作日內塞入儘可能多的工作量是不現實的,不但無法提高工作效率反而會增加犯錯的幾率。
例 如:Eric是一家上市公司部門總監,有著自己的一套工作法則,他覺得人的精力是有限的,因此,他每天早上都會給自己制定出一份詳細的工作計劃表同時也會 留出一定的時間來應對突如起來的變化或者緊急情況。如果工作任務提前完成,Eric就會約朋友去健身、喝茶或者回家陪家人孩子。
Thirdly, realize your own ability and set realistic expectations for your workload. After that, find time to spend with family or enjoy your life. There is only a certain amount of hours in the day so you had better not be a perfectionist and avoid the pitfalls of rushing forward. It is impractical to do as much work as possible in one weekday and that will not improve your work efficiency. On the contrary, it increases the chances for mistakes.
For example, Eric is a department director in a listed company. He has his own set of work rules and he thinks a person』s energy is limited so he could make a detailed schedule every morning and at the same time, put some time aside to deal with unexpected changes and emergencies. If he gets his work finished early,he will make arrangements with friends for the gym, drinking tea or going home to his family.