雙語閱讀:脫歐致英鎊貶值 赴英旅遊升溫

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US travel firms have seen a surge in interest from customers looking to visit to Great Britain following last week’s ground-breaking Brexit vote.


Airlines and touring companies have been inundated with requests from Americans hoping to take advantage of the plummeting value of the pound against the dollar.


Many websites have reported traffic increases of more than 50 percent as vacationers look to cash in on the country’s chaotic current condition.


The boom has also been felt as far afield as China and east Asia.


On the flip-side, several travel firms have also had more inquiries than ever before from Brits looking at heading abroad.


Billy Sanez, vice president of marketing and communications at FareCompare.com, which analyzes airfares, said: ‘Americans may want to secure a great fare, while British may be worried that higher fares will soon hit the market,’


US and Chinese travel sites reported a jump in queries about UK holidays immediately after Britain voted to leave the European Union last week.


Travel agents, hotel chains and airlines say it is too early to tell if the vote will impact bookings in the longer term, but inquiries jumped as travelers hunt for cheaper breaks.


Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union leaves the world’s fifth-largest economy facing deep uncertainty. The pound has dropped to its lowest level in over three decades.


But for travelers like Wen Zhihong, from China’s western Chengdu, that means lower prices. She had been planning to spend her vacation travelling with her daughter in France and Italy, but said she changed her mind after the vote.


‘Now it seems a better idea to travel to England,’ Wen, a university official, said.


‘With the depreciation of the pound, hotels, plane tickets and shopping are all much cheaper.’


Ctrip.com, China’s biggest online travel agency, has already sought to capitalise on the surge in interest, arguing this week that a summer vacation in Britain could now be a third cheaper, helping UK searches on its app triple.



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