雙語閱讀: Vogue雜誌百年 找個百歲老太當模特

教育 • 留學


You hear it said often — that true beauty is ageless — but you don’t see much evidence of the idea in popular culture, where the beauty ideal skews to the young, and the even younger.


While Vogue magazine has its annual age issue, which highlights accomplished (usually gorgeous) women of various ages, that’s only once a year. And if you count the images, including advertising, there are precious few with anyone over 50 in them. But for British Vogue’s 100th anniversary, the magazine features Bo Gilbert, a model who is as old as it is.


It’s not surprising that this campaign comes from the UK, where ordinary looks, less makeup and older visages are more common on television and films made there. The campaign is made by Harvey Nicks, a well-known British luxury department store.


Gilbert lives in an assisted-living facility in England, and for her shoot she wore bespoke Valentino glasses, a blouse by Victoria Beckham and The Row pants over a Dris Van Noten coat, with shoes by Celine and a necklace by Lanvin.

吉爾伯特住在英國一家養老機構,為了進行此次拍攝,她戴上了專門定製的瓦倫蒂諾眼鏡、維多利亞·貝克漢姆的上衣、The Row的褲子、德賴斯 范諾頓外套、思琳的鞋和浪凡的項鏈。

The video is really sweet, with fashion recollections by Gilbert. Of course she mentions hats and how fun they were to wear, as well as the first time she saw a woman in a pantsuit, which she said “really caught my eye.” She says she has always dressed nicely, even if she wasn’t going out that day and nobody would see her.


Over the past few years, as women have gained more power in both media and Hollywood, beauty standards are very, very slowly changing. We’re now seeing some of our favorite actresses keep making movies into their 40s and 50s, even if there aren’t that many roles for them; it’s just another sign that there is still a long way to go. The attention that elderly fashion icons like Iris Apfel (I highly recommend her documentary, “Iris,” on Netflix), and the women of the Advanced Style blog (here’s another model who is 100), proves there’s interest in the fashion community — and outside it — for something beyond the next bright young thing.


“I do things that I think a lot of people wouldn’t do at my age,” says Gilbert, in the video above.


That’s definitely interesting, and inspiring, as we all grow older.




skew: 歪斜

visage: 容貌

bespoke: 定做的

recollection: 回憶




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