







1 x extra virgin olive oil: $9

3 x mixed berry Greek yoghurt pouch: $1.70 = $5.10

3 x passionfruit Greek yoghurt pouch: $1.70 = $5.10

4 x Caramel Greek yoghurt pouch: $1.70 = $6.80

3 x strawberry Greek yoghurt pouch: $1.70 = $5.10

1 x mixed berry yoghurt Greek yoghurt pouch: $2

1 x passionfruit Greek yoghurt pouch: $2

1 x Caramel Greek yoghurt pouch: $2

1 x strawberry Greek yoghurt pouch: $2

1 x fabric Conditioner: $4.5

1 x baby spinach packet $2

1 x sundried Tomato Strips: $2.65

1 x bottle of soy sauce: $2.50

1 x bucket of laundry powder: $13

2 x bunches of pak choy: $2.5 = $5

1 x jar of green stuffed olives $1.95

5 x mandarin imperial: $0.41 = 2.05

6 x mandarin: $0.34 = $2.04

4 x small tins of tuna in chili oil: $1.80 = $7.20

4 x small tins of tuna lite chili: $1.80 = $7.20

4 x small tins of tuna lite in oil: $1.80 = $7.20

2 x spicy flavour Thai noodle soup: $1.10 = $2.20

2 x Tom Yum Thai noodle soup: $1.10 = $2.20

1 x packet cos hearts lettuce: $4

1 x sliced mushroom punnet: $3

1 x organic silverbeet: $5



1 x extra virgin olive oil: $10.50

4 x mixed berry Greek yoghurt pouch: $3 = $12

4 x passionfruit Greek yoghurt pouch: $3 = $12

5 x Caramel Greek yoghurt pouch: $3 = $15

4 x strawberry Greek yoghurt pouch: $12

1 x fabric Conditioner: $10

1 x baby spinach packet $3

1 x sundried Tomato Strips: $2.65

1 x bottle of soy sauce: $2.65

1 x bucket of laundry powder: $26

2 x bunches of pak choy: $2.5 = $5

1 x jar of green stuffed olives = $1.95

11 x mandarin imperial: $0.34 = $3.74

4 x small tins of tuna in chili oil: $4 = $16

4 x small tins of tuna lite chili: $4 = $16

4 x small tins of tuna lite in oil: $4 = $16

2 x spicy flavour Thai noodle soup: $1.10 = $2.20

2 x Tom Yum Thai noodle soup: $1.10 = $2.20

1 x packet cos hearts lettuce: $3

1 x sliced mushroom punnet: $3.80

1 x organic silverbeet: $5



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