已担任两届5年多的whitehorse市市议员——刘昱婷 Cr Tina Liu,在上周日的议会市长选举中顺利当选下届市长。她是墨尔本大都会地区、拥有第二个大商业中心的whitehorse市自成立以来的第一位来自台湾的亚裔女市长。
Tina 在个人脸书主页上发帖表示,“非常感谢居民们的支持,我本人能顺利当选为下届whitehorse市市长。接下来,我将在任期内全力以赴为全体市民服务,也将主持好议会活动,与同事们一起将whitehorse市推展成为多元化、进步、崭新和和谐的社区。”
It is a huge privilege and honour to be elected as Mayor of Whitehorse. Thank you again to my fellow Councillors for their support. Congratulations to Cr Denise Massoud on her election as Deputy Mayor.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Cr Andrew Munroe and Cr Raylene Carr for their leadership in their roles as Mayor and Deputy Mayor in these past twelve months.
I am excited and look forward to continue working with my Councillor cohort, the Administration and our Whitehorse community.