顶瞻教育学院:相约顶瞻 会当绝顶

Top Scope College VCE Box Hill总部将于2021年1月11日正式开课,我们的师资力量强大:有私校的学科带头人、VCE考官、资深VCE/IB教师(英文、英文文学、IB英文;中数、高数;化学;物理等),还有历年精英公校和私校ATAR成绩0.1%并兼任学生会主席们的优秀毕业生。

时间无语,2020纵然疫情汹涌,我们却也踏实地跨过。Top Scope College顶瞻教育学院的师生们共同交出了一份令人满意的答卷!

VCE高考成绩放榜,喜报频传。35% 以上的同学们获得裸分超过40分的好成绩,衷心恭贺他们取得优异的成绩;所有完成考试的考生,都在备考、冲刺和实战的过程中实现了超越并升华了自我;由衷感谢Top Scope College顶瞻教育学院所有的教职工成员,你们的坚守和付出才是顶瞻学子们会当绝顶的基石!


“I have had the pleasure of attending Top Scope College for a number of years, including as a year 12. The teachers are excellent and highly experienced in their subject, and often within the teaching profession. Their dedication to teaching and approachability, combined with a well designed course, makes for a very effective program.

Committed to a student’s education, Top Scope College not only provides tailored advice and classes, but does so with sensitivity to an individual student’s needs. Both the office and teachers are professional and passionate, a culture that lends itself well to the quality of education they provide. Keeping in mind that education extends beyond class teaching, often involving a joint effort between teacher and parent, the office is always accessible to parents who may wish to inquire into or discuss their child’s progress.

Year 12 amidst a tumultuous year may challenge many, though students at Top Scope College have remained motivated and grounded, owing to the college’s flexibility in moving to remote learning, and wisdom in establishing contact between students and teachers throughout the week.



另外一位男生,11年级小考时成绩是B,他这一年的努力依然历历在目,当他告知我们获得了学校(著名男子私校)12年级英文Academic Award的时候,我们就知道但有付出,必有回报!

“Thank you very much for all the help you have provided me in English this year. I could not believe that I was able to improve so much from a straight B+ student in Semester 1 2019 to a straight A student in Semester 2 2019 all the way to a raw 46 study score in English! For that I am extremely thankful for your combined efforts in delivering such a great English tutoring program!

Thank you very much,



Top Scope College 顶瞻教育学院
Top Scope College 顶瞻教育学院供图

Dear Taylor,

I just want to congratulate you on you excellent English result. Enjoy your success. I hope you get into the course you desire.

All my very best wishes 

Mrs Younes


Top Scope College VCE Box Hill总部将于2021年1月11日正式开课,我们的师资力量强大:有私校的学科带头人、VCE考官、资深VCE/IB教师(英文、英文文学、IB英文;中数、高数;化学;物理等),还有历年精英公校和私校ATAR成绩0.1%并兼任学生会主席们的优秀毕业生。与他们一起学习,将会让你终身受益。快来加入我们,相约顶瞻,会当绝顶!


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